Right, I think I have enough dresses now for Spain. The trouble is, yesterday morning, I thought I had enough dresses for Spain....then I went home, deciding to tackle more undies and my swimsuits. But I ended up doing this......
.....and this....
I did not use a pattern for any of them. I also did not use any numeric measurements. Very unscientific of me I think. I did use my visuals though. I draped them on myself, and pinned until I got the fit I wanted. Draping and pining on yourself is not for the faint hearted. At the end of it all I felt like a voodoo doll, owned by a very angry and spiteful person, and put to much use. I spent alot of the time swearing and cursing....nothing too filthy mind you, just "sugar" and "fracking hell"!!!!! Yeah I was addicted to Battlestar Galatica.
These dresses basically cost me nothing, ( except a few vials of blood), as I got the fabric from Claire when I went for the Brighton meet-up last month. So Claire, if you are reading this, THANK YOU!!
I wanted a little racy maxi dress. I have been admiring these for some time, though I wondered if I'd be able to get away with baring all that flesh. Don't get me wrong, I am no prude (ahem), but still your whole back exposed? Scandalous!!! Anyways, I figured I was going to another country, where i would be practically living on the beach, and i think it will be ok to bare some hot chocolate. When I did this one, I modelled it for Mr.Dibs, who looked quite nonchalant, until I turned around, and he smiled. That smile did it for me, and I knew this dress was getting into the plane with me.

This one has a belt from the same fabric. I don't know why I made the belt, I just wanted to I suppose.
I really have to stop making dresses now. This time I mean it when I say I have made enough dresses for the holidays.
Have a nice day everyone