
Its Stuff like this that makes me wonder why I live in The UK

Monday, December 5

I am sorry guys. This is not a sewing related post, but I just had to share this video with you.

I do not understand how a woman would carry an innocent baby on her legs, and then go on to spew such nonsense.

I am not even going to make this video about racism because she talks about Polish people as well. All I can say is that as a hard working immigrant, it pains me to see someone talk like this. The colour of my skin should not  give people the right to assume that I am not deserving to be in this country. It is rather unfortunate that I am going to be here for the rest of my life because of Mr.Dibs. That is a bad thought to have, but I can't help having it. I hate negativity but people like this make it impossible for me to be positive all the time.

I came to the UK 6 years (2005) ago to go to school. My intention was not to remain in the UK. Far from it. I have a wonderful family back home whom I miss dearly. My dad died in 2007 without me seeing him. That is the most painful thing that has ever happened to me, not seeing him before he passed away. I did not choose to run away from my country. I came here to get a good education so I could go home and help advance my country. I do not claim state benefits. I have worked for all 6 years  that I have been here, and I have paid my taxes. I did not come to the UK to sponge off the British people. I paid £11,000 for a 1 year Masters degree. That is more than 3 times the amount a British student pays. I did not complain. I did that because I know the educational system here is amongst the best in the World.

Yes racism exists! Yes I have noticed a marked increase in the number of job interviews I get since my surname changed from an African one to a British one. And yes I have witnessed enthusiastic interviewers (following a phone interview) visibly going into shock when I walk into an interview room and trying unsuccessfully to hide their shock that I was black. That never bothered me because I know as human beings, we gravitate more towards, or have a preference for people who look or sound like us. But this video does. This is a clear example of a mother poisoning the mind of a baby. I can't even imagine what that child will grow up to think if his mother persists in her hatred for all things foreign.

I suppose I am rambling now, but it pains me to know that things like this still exist in the world. Is this the kind of society my baby will grow up in?

Have a nice week everyone.


  1. This makes my heart hurt. There are some mean, ignorant people out there. But you are a good person, and you will raise your child to be better than this.

  2. My dear. Unfortunately, this sort of behaviour exists everywhere. I'm on the other side of the pond and have had my share of such "colourful" dissertations. But there are some good people out there, though far and few between. Give thanks for the small gifts.

  3. It pained me to listen to that. The only consolation is that 1. it's obvious this person was an uneducated dimwit who's raising a child that will be just like she is. 2. From the comments of others on the train, any second someone that is Black or Polish is probably going to beat the crap out of her before the next stop. 3. It's one thing for people to think(in this case her) you're an idiot, but yet another when you open your mouth and prove them right.

    Try not to let it get you down to much because the world is full of people like her that are not worth your time to get upset over.

  4. Ignorant, frequently uneducated and really paranoid people (if skin color, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, can actually cause paranoia) don't differ much, no matter where they live. I see it all the time in Serbia, and I've felt this sort of abusive attitude few times on my skin. It's sad to say, but I even know some people I wish I didn't, who can't see beyond their limited points of view. But that defines who they are, not who I am, nor who you are.
    It's tough to deal with it, but when you feel overwhelmed by these situations, try thinking like this: I don't care what a fool thinks or says about me, so his/hers words can't really hurt me.
    I hope tomorrow's gonna be a better day.

  5. Oh Miss Dibs. I didn't even watch the video because I was already feeling too demoralised about this issue this morning. Why? Well, I just heard on the radio that here in France, the far-right National Front is polling 17% for the next presidential election. That puts them in third, behind the current president and his Socialist challenger, but still. And even though I'm white, the minute I open my mouth here, or speak English in public to my bi-national, bi-cultural children, it's like having a big neon sign over my head screaming "FOREIGNER! FOREIGNER!" Paris is a diverse city and many people are chill about the non-French, but I've also met my fair share of patronising jerks and nasty folks. Grrrr. Chin up, bon courage, and know that we're raising the next generation too. Our children will be the antithesis of this fool.

  6. I'm sorry people and views like this exist. I remember a TV show a few years ago where they analysed peoples DNA and found out that everyone had a mixed heritage to some degree, regardless of their skin colour or accent. To categorise people as she does is ridiculous.

    I know it doesnt help much but I believe she has since been arrested.

  7. That was very upsetting to watch, and I can imagine actually being there was far worse. It is awful to think that her little boy is being brought up to have those ignorant attitudes too. To declare her views like that so publicly shows that she has no compassion, no understanding and no shame. I'm sorry you had to experience that.

  8. I hadn't seen that before but I'd heard that clip was doing the rounds and every comment I've heard in relation to it is how dreadful the whole thing is. How out-of-order she is, how out-dated she is, how much in a minority (I hope) she is. As a British White I want to completely distance myself from this example. I don't live in a hugely multi-cultural area like London but I don't think this woman is representative of the majority of British people. I don't want people to think this is what we all think, its no way representative of me, my family, people I know. Theres no doubt that there are people who do feel this way but hopefully with each generation it will get less (although obviously not in that particular family!( so please don't feel threatened by this individual, her views do not count, they are not the majority. Please do not think all Brit feel this way......

  9. It's truly awful. Did you hear that she had been arrested I still can't believe what twisted views she has.

  10. This is appalling. Like Louise, my area is not very multi-racial, but I don't think most people think like that - surely she has to be in the minority these days.

  11. It makes me really sad to know that such ignorant people exist, what chance does that child have in life? I actually don't understand how people can think like this, but I like to think that there are more good people out there than bad. You're definitely one of the good ones Dibs and your baby boy's going to grow up to be a lovely man! xx

  12. Thanks for all the kind words. Its true she has been arrested, but for what? It does not serve any purpose to arrest her. She is not the problem I think. I think the main issue is the lack of education about who immigrants really are. I am not saying all immigrants are good people. Far from it. Like every other group of people, there are good people, and not so good people, but what I don't like is when we are all lumped into one category just because we look or sound different.

  13. I've seen that clip. I honestly wonder if there are mental health issues at play here, because I can't for a moment believe she thought she was going to receive a sympathetic hearing to that bile! I dread to think how I'd have reacted if I'd been on the bus - I certainly wouldn't have kept quiet. Dibs, I so sympathise with any of the reactions you may have endured. Racism is still, sadly, present and insiduous in all sorts of subtle ways. Hostility to immigrants is only going to be cemented as we nose dive into deeper recession - people are frightened and want someone to blame. But please do be assured that there are many, many fair-minded people in the world and the two people who can influence your child most - you and your husband - will make sure your offspring grow up open-minded and educated.

  14. Just to make you feel a bit better...

  15. Aww, I feel bad for her now. How can one be forced to spend christmas in jail? thats quite sad. at the end of the day she did not kill anyone, and her sentence should have been postponed till after the new year. Poor thing.

  16. Dibs,
    I am soooo sorry.It is so sad ,that people have to be predjuice. As bad as I hate to say it, It is everywhere ,and in all parts of the world. sad!!
    You know,if you cut the skin back on ANY person, you would find the same things.We are all the same.
    Sending encouragement to you.. and also congradulations on your education.. I admire you for the sacrifices you have made.. and I am so sorry to hear about your daddy.May God be with you and your family.

  17. Dibs, I cringed listening to the film. I feel so sorry for her child - if she talks like that in public with him on her knee I just wonder what she says at home. People like that are so ignorant and the stupid thing is that Britain is an island nation of immigrants and if you traced most British people's families they will have immigrants in there somewhere. My grandparents were immigrants to the Uk and it pains me that almost 100 years after they arrived people are still so ignorant.
    I hope you have more positive experiences . x

  18. Hi Dibs, I am white British and have been reading your blog for a while now. I had heard of this 'incident' but not seen the video until now as I hate violence of any sort and do not actively seek to view it. Having now watched I feel sickened and embarrassed to be what I am (ethnically) even though I know that is ridiculous as none of us should be ashamed of our racial identity as we certainly don't have the option to choose. But we do have the option to choose how we behave as human beings. That rant was despicable and made even worse by the young child being present. One can only hope that he will not grow up with similar views and behaviour. He appeared to be very calm which may indicate he is used to such outbursts and is developing an immunity - how very sad that he has to, I can't believe there is no hope for him as I know people who actively resist repeating the behaviour of their parents. Please don't think that most people who can trace their family's residence in this country back several generations have the same bigoted views as that woman. I am absolutely sure she is in the minority.

    Best wishes,
    Debbie B

  19. I can't watch that video - I know what it is about and it is just too upsetting.
    There are some wicked people out there, but there are some good ones too. I hope that you and your children meet good ones. Speaking as the white mother of two children with a black father I know you are going to face some challenges, but there is also a friendly community of "mixed" families in London so it is definitely easier than living in the sticks. Phoof! Don't know what else to say. Be happy, be yourself, and sod the lot of 'em!

  20. I feel exactly like you... Unfortunate I suffered a racist rant when I took a bus to hospital... I was the only paying person in the bus..and also the only one that payed taxes and a Chav decided to take a fight we me. How embracing for the British nation as they have the best education in the world available but some are the most "uneducated " people I seen. Sucking benefit and feeling the entitlement for it while we work hard .

  21. I viewed this video shortly after you posted it. (I live in Silicon Valley, CA). I've been thinking about it. What a sad situation--that woman is very very sick. I was encouraged when I saw another tram rider (a white lady) comfort/hold back the young black girl who was sitting behind the woman with the nasty mouth and mind. I'm also glad to see the outrage directed towards this woman (whc has come forth after the youtube video was posted). I mean, it's one thing for a bigoted person to speak, but I'm encouraged that some many other people do not seem to support her. I recall that I read an article that the transportation service took measure to identify and locate her, because she was offensive to other passengers. that is a good outcome.

    Rose in SV

  22. Hi Dibs, like others posted here and the white girl on the tram, all I can say is she is not speaking for me or my family. I like to feel that I live in a nation of 7 billion people with all the wonderful diversity that includes. Your blog is great, take heart that the majority of people are not like this. Sue, Essex
